Chiropractic care

Top 5 Exercises for Herniated Disc Recovery

Herniated disc recovery often involves specific exercises aimed at reducing pain and improving mobility. These exercises should be performed with caution and ideally under professional guidance. Here are the top 5 exercises recommended for herniated disc recovery:
  • Gentle Walking: A low-impact activity that helps in maintaining flexibility and promoting circulation.
  • Pelvic Tilt: This exercise strengthens abdominal muscles and helps in stabilizing the spine.
  • Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Aims to alleviate nerve pressure in the lower back by gently stretching the spine.
  • Wall Squats: Strengthens the lower body while putting minimal strain on the back.
  • Bird-Dog Exercise: Improves core stability and balances spinal muscles.
Remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting any exercise regime, especially if you are experiencing herniated disc symptoms.

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